Gathering information, connecting and constantly improving are three of the most important things you can do as a CEO. You have to be able to connect with your employees and find new innovative ways to encourage and reward them. At the same time you have to hang on to your business goals and ideals and be competitive. Here are 50 resources for every CEO of any sized company to help them access the latest news, trends, training and leadership skills.
Quick Links
News, Resources and Information
Networks, Associations and Organizations
Blogs and Social Media
Conferences and Conventions
Courses and Training
News, Resources and Information
World Economic Forum – The World Economic Forum is an international institution that engages political, business and academic leaders to shape global agendas. Thoughtful articles, blog posts, and news reports makes this resource a valuable tool to keep up to date with the world’s business happenings. It also features events centered on economic and business improvement. – is a resource for the most timely, relevant information about business and leadership. The site is curated by editors who handpick the information that appears on the site daily. Features include sections on CEOs in the News, exclusive content from contributors and authors, CEO guides, videos and a newsletter.
Business Insider – Business Insider has not only the latest business and technology news, but also does an excellent job of breaking down a lot of information down into palatable and useful lists and stories. Contributors also aggregate business content from some of the larger news organizations like The New York Times and NPR.
TED – Most have heard of TED Talks – short, powerful messages given by global leaders from every imaginable walk of life on topics across technology, entertainment, design, motivation and everything else. The TED community is a perfect place for CEOs to access ideas and attitudes that may shape or change their company.
Under 30 CEO – Under 30 CEO comes from a pair of entrepreneurs who built a six-figure travel business in under a year. They write about experiences that they believe a college degree can’t give you. In addition to blog posts, features such as “100 Must See Interviews With the World’s Most Successful Entrepreneurs” are also available through their email subscription.
Chic CEO – Chic CEO is geared towards women, helping new CEOs find business information and support in one place. Features like the 3-day Chic Start, which is a free online mini clinic to help in organizing thoughts and defining a new business idea, is just one of the many accessible and applicable items Chic CEO offers.
Forbes – Forbes is the ultimate in information for and about business leaders. It provides commentary and accurate analysis of business trends and practices as well as tools that will help any CEO succeed. The reporting is relevant and timely, and the database of people, annual lists and lifestyle section are invaluable.
The Build Network – The Build Network is a network of editors, executives and experts who all contribute to producing actionable ideas to enhance and grow companies, especially those of midsize scale. Particularly useful is their subsection for CEOs that provides information and articles like ‘3 Things a CEO Should Never Delegate,’ and ‘Can Roaming Executives Really Lead?’
Young and CEO – Young and CEO, as the name suggests, is specially aimed at young people and student entrepreneurs, but also minorities and women who are looking to rise to the top of their businesses. Features include a monthly newsletter, a digital magazine, a website builder and a vast network of young professionals.
Bloomberg – Bloomberg is a business and financial news leader that gives data, analytics, as well as some breaking news in real time through highly innovative technology. They produce over 5,000 stories per day and have many different channels including a television station, magazine and other publications.
BuyerZone – BuyerZone helps owners make important purchases for their businesses by providing in-depth guides and articles on products and services and by connecting buyers and sellers. From phone systems to storage containers, you can find what’s needed to outfit your business, plus industry insight on current events and trends.
Networks, Associations and Organizations
CEO Space – CEO Space is helpful for management and executive level representatives who want to earn continuing education credits, network, and sharpen their leadership skills. They have local clubs and streamlined forums several times a year, where meaningful professional relationships can be made. There is a fee to attend some of their programs.
Young Presidents Organization – The Young Presidents’ Organization is for chief executives under the age of 45 who want to connect to become better leaders. Approximately 22,000 business leaders are involved in this organization, which has local chapters in more than 125 countries who host events such as conferences and offer training.
Management Innovation eXchange – Management Innovation eXchange aims to reinvent management for the 21st century and calls on members who are inspired and radical to help. They have an online clearinghouse and virtual laboratory where you can find hacks, stories, and challenges to help you in your leadership. They also host events like the MIX Mashup.
The Center for Association Leadership – The Center for Association Leadership caters specifically to leaders that manage trade associations, membership societies and voluntary organizations. Members benefit from research and education and the support of the community. They also offer certificate programs for members as well as a career portal for both job seekers and managers.
CEO Resources – CEO Resources offers executive coaching, which, through mentorship and advisory, helps CEOs and leaders grow, navigate obstacles, uncover opportunities and reach professional goals. They also offer executive search, which guides CEOs in finding the right candidates to join their companies from their talent pipelines, and then acts as an agent.
The Chief Executive Officers’ Clubs International – The Chief Executive Officers’ Clubs is a nonprofit that caters to high-income CEOs who wish to improve their businesses through shared experiences and bettering themselves. The club has chapters in the U.S., India, South Africa, Greece and China and is invitation only. Their average club member has $20,000,000 in annual sales.
Vistage – Vistage provides CEO and executive coaching and leadership development as well as business mentoring. Their coaching involves creating small expert-guided groups that peer advise and help each other solve problems. Vistage locations can be found all over the world and there’s also a list of events from breakfasts to summits.
CEO Boardroom – CEO Boardroom is a place for CEOs to gather to develop friendships and to form personal and business alliances. This organization has typically hosted events like going to baseball games, wine tastings and friendly competitions. They also have the CEO Connector blog, which has informative posts about effective leadership.
Entrepreneur Magazine – Entrepreneur Magazine is a staple for any new or existing business owner who wants real solutions to challenges, as well as tips and tools to help them grow. Entrepreneur has been around since 1973 and offers low cost subscriptions as well as a wealth of information on their website and across their social platforms.
Real Leaders – Real Leaders is an online magazine that caters to progressive business leaders who want to use their businesses to do good in the world. They highlight the achievements of successful leaders around the world and offer articles on current events, leadership, sustainability, money and lifestyle.
strategy+business – strategy+business is a management magazine for business leaders. The site illustrates complex problems leaders face and examines the impact of decisions. Available digitally or in print, the contributed articles are authored by the best of the best corporate leaders, with unique content that’s sure to provoke thought for any CEO.
Harvard Business Review – One of the world’s top ranked programs, Harvard University Business School, publishes the Harvard Business Review. This well rounded resource provides content on management and other aspects of business that a CEO will no doubt find useful. Blogs, videos, webinars, courses and books are also a part of this publication.
The Economist – The Economist, a leader in international news, business and finance and politics, is a great tool to help a CEO stay informed. The weekly news magazine is available in print and digital editions, and all print articles are accessible online along with web-only content, blogs and audio and video programs.
Wall Street Journal – The international daily newspaper, the Wall Street Journal, delivers crucial news with an emphasis on business and economics. Their hard news is mixed with insightful commentary and opinions to keep CEOs abreast of the latest. Their well stocked how-to section, with guides on small business, personal finance, management and more is also very useful.
Chief Executive – Chief Executive’s main goal is help CEOs do their jobs better. They do this by providing best practices, analyzing current issues, and fostering networking. In addition to their digital version, they also have a print magazine with practical content. Chief Executive also hosts exclusive networking events to connect CEOs.
Fast Company – Fast Company is a business media publication designed for progressive leaders. They explore business as it intersects with design, monitor the latest ideas and innovations, provide inspiration and tactics for success, and have an in-house publishing lab where they do programmatic experiments. Their ‘features’ subsection also delves into great topics.
Inc. – Inc. magazine is a monthly publication and an informative resource for CEOs and entrepreneurs alike. The magazine is filled with articles on every imaginable topic of business and features some of the most impressive figures in business. Inc.’s website is also filled with articles, business advice and discussions on current affairs.
SmartCEO Magazine – Smart CEO magazine contains behind-the-scenes looks into successful businesses, columns by thought leaders, and other resources to help CEOs of mid-sized companies overcome any obstacles they face. The magazine is geared at four major markets: Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia and Washington. Issues are produced bimonthly and are available for free through their website.
Jolt – Jolt emails are a great resource to get tips, information, advice and videos on business. This newsletter from SmartCEO also aggregates valuable content from other business resources and puts them in one place. The emails are sent 3 times per week. The newsletters also contain some targeted information for major markets.
CEOWORLD Magazine – CEOWORLD is an online magazine mainly focused on business and technology and is written specifically for high-level executives like CEOs, CFOs, and chief technology and information officers. They cover emerging trends, case studies, and management practices as well as a healthy dose of news and interviews with the world’s leading executives.
The Business Journals – The Business Journals is a media solutions platform for companies that want to target business decision makers in their advertising. Business Journals aggregates news from around the country.
International Business Times – IBTimes is a digital global news publication that produces content centered on the most important business issues and economic and political happenings. Seven different country editions are available in four different languages so CEOs never miss out on the latest. Their Twitter is also great to follow for informative articles.
CEO Magazine– CEO Magazine is published monthly and available on airlines like Virgin, Qantas and in Hilton Hotels. Their website offers snippets of the magazine’s content as well as profile interviews and a company blog that has business information and articles on topics form innovation and technology to management and leadership.
Blogs and Social Media
Blog Maverick – Blog Maverick is a blog from American businessman Mark Cuban, investor and owner of several mega businesses such as the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks. He writes about his experience in business, aspects of his life such as his participation on the ABC reality competition series Shark Tank, where he invests in aspiring entrepreneurs.
LinkedIn – A paid subscription to LinkedIn is a must for a CEO. Beyond the networking with fellow CEOs is the access to possible talent and the ability to vet current and future business prospects and employees. You can also establish a presence for your company and join groups of interest to you and your business.
First Round Review– First Round Review is based on the idea that those at the top of their field don’t often get the time to share their tips, tactics and what made them successful. The blog therefore focuses on giving experts the outlet to directly impact entrepreneurs and thought leaders by sharing valuable insight and information.
@SteveForbesCEO – Chairman and editor in chief of Forbes, Steve Forbes is a great businessman to keep up with. He tweets links to articles on topics of interest from across the web. He also has a blog where he mainly posts about business and finance, but sometimes on other topics like politics, history and even food.
Marriot on the Move – Executive Chairman of Marriott International, Bill Marriott, hosts a fun blog on business, leadership, current affairs and more on Marriot on the Move. His strong ideals of family, work and community are reflected in his posts, which often offer insight into his success leading his company and his takes on must-have values of a leader.
The Grassy Road – Penny Herscher, CEO of business analytics company FirstRain, blogs about technology, being a CEO and other fun topics she observes. Most of the posts are her personal takes on situations and current affairs, but occasionally articles from her business partners or excerpts from talks she’s given will be featured.
Richard Branson – Popular business magnate Sir Richard Branson of Virgin speaks personally on issues not just limited to business, but about his company’s culture and their stance on issues like the death penalty and the conflict between Israel and Palestine. He also offers tidbits on his personal practices in life and business and how they help him as a leader.
CEO Blog Nation – CEO Blog Nation is a collection of blog sites for entrepreneurs and business owners. Blogs like DMV CEO, dedicated to entrepreneurship around the D.C. metro area and Rescue a CEO, which troubleshoots CEOs, are examples of what the blog has to offer. They also have useful basic information on running a business.
Conferences and Conventions
Forbes Global CEO Conference – Forbes Global CEO Conference is for CEOs, entrepreneurs, thought leaders and up-and-comers from all over the world. The theme changes from year to year, but the event generally covers how to take the next step as a leader. The conference is by invitation only and limited to qualified titles, so an application must be submitted.
National CEO Conference – The CEO conference is geared towards young CEOs and future business executives from around the world to allow them to network and be inspired. Events like the ‘Business Model-A-Thon’ and CEO Chapter Development Sessions are just a few features of this yearly conference, which is also great program for groups.
The Wall Street Journal CEO Council – The Wall Street Journal CEO Council is a conference where the world’s leading executives come together to talk about business issues and public policy. The Wall Street Journal’s editors interview top politicians, influencers and policymakers, which have included President Barack Obama and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and make recommendations.
Inc. 5000 – The Inc. 5000 conference is held over three days and has myriad speakers to help a CEO of any size country gain momentum and a new perspective. Attendees have the opportunity to mingle with members of the Inc. 5000 – a group of the fastest growing privately held companies. There is also a day of service, a golf tournament and a party.
We First Brand Leadership Summit – We First wants companies to grow by doing good things in the world. They help leaders work toward this goal of social responsibility with hands-on training, and a social branding blueprint handbook. Past speakers included leaders from Facebook, the United Nations Foundation and Coca-Cola.
CEO Connection Mid-Market Convention – Held in conjunction with the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, the three-day CEO Connection Mid-Market Convention gathers mid-market CEOs and prominent leaders, media personalities and academics. Sessions cover mid-market issues and challenges, providing relevant solutions, and allows participants the opportunity to network.
Courses and Training
CreativeLive – CreativeLive offers live online workshops which are free and in real time. Topics like small business marketing, becoming an entrepreneur and how to launch your business online are just a few examples of what is offered within their business section. Subjects like photography, video, design and more are also offered and can prove equally as useful in an entrepreneurial endeavor.
The CEO Institute – The CEO Institute has leadership training programs that aid in the development of executives. They use coaching and mentoring as their two main ways to really shape leaders instead of just training them. They also discuss topics such as business education and etiquette on their blog and offer a few networking events.
Change Leaders – Change Leaders is an executive development company for leaders who want to advance their personal and professional lives and earn promotions, gain board memberships, gain more traction in their companies and more. They offer CEO coaching, executive team Development and executive coaching plus a web database of over 600 resources for leaders.
About the Author

Raecine Williams received her Bachelor’s from the University of Miami and is currently pursuing her Master’s in Journalism at the University of Maryland College Park. She is an intern at USA TODAY, writes for Nirvana Magazine and has worked in various capacities in her native island of Jamaica. In her spare time she runs a clothing line called Wild/Free and loves to travel.